Oct. 29, 2021

🟢Enterprise product design strategy is a massive topic.🟢

🟢Enterprise product design strategy is a massive topic.🟢

🟢Enterprise product design strategy is a massive topic. It's downright enormous. How do you tackle all of it at once and ensure your product design strategy is genuinely world-class?🟢

How do you stand out among competitors? What are the best practices for building a solid foundation, identifying where to focus your efforts, or how to respond to changing needs in real-time?

At some point, I'll get around to writing more on the topic of product design strategy, but for now, here are several exciting reads from different perspectives:

1) If you're looking for some real inspiration from an industry perspective, check out IBM' Enterprise Design Strategy and Tools

Link: https://lnkd.in/dJYjCyzP

2) Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden's Lean UX section on Product Design Strategy offers several ways to approach the situation.

Link: https://lnkd.in/dcgXZ7VX

3) Product-related articles by Rich Mironov are a must-read for any product person leading a company or working in product management.

It lays out the case for strategy, positioning, and focus behind your product design efforts, where many products falter these days.

Link: https://www.mironov.com/

4) Intercom's Paul Adams posts on Strategy by Design, where he discusses how product designers can take an active role in guiding the direction of their teams and companies.

Link: https://lnkd.in/dwY2FbQp

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