Data lies at the heart of product management and is critical to every decision you make. Whether you're an executive looking to bring "data-driven" into your company's mission or a data analyst who wants to move up the ranks, becoming a data-…
Systems thinking is an approach to problem solving and management that looks at the "big picture." It's a way of seeing connectedness and relationship, so we understand why it works when we apply it to something like Youtube. What makes Yo…
One of the most effective ways to build better products is looking at problems and opportunities from a system level.The first step is accepting that all systems have constraints. Constraints are rules which must be respected for an approach to…
💡Digital Product Management, Insights, Day 49: The lean startup methodology is slowly but surely infiltrating all business types.💡The lean startup methodology by Eric Ries suggests three core metrics: -customer acquisition cost-net promoter sco…
The SaaS industry is maturing, and the market is huge right now. Plus, B2B SaaS is growing its roots deeper into the market. --Digital Product Management, Insights, Day 48-- Any B2B business can have a tough time establishing its pres…
Design thinking is defined as a human-centered approach to innovation that draws inspiration from a designer's toolkit to integrate customers' needs, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for a business.Here are three ways how design…
🟢Enterprise product design strategy is a massive topic. It's downright enormous. How do you tackle all of it at once and ensure your product design strategy is genuinely world-class?🟢How do you stand out among competitors? What are the best practice…
Analyzing whether a product is desirable and disruptive is not straightforward.Here are steps that may help in the assessment:1. It is aimed at under-served customers, who value the features that most existing products don't offer.2. It starts with …
⚡️A world without APIs is a world without Spotify, Facebook photos, Salesforce CRM, and Google search engine. These and many other services we so often take for granted in our online lives would not be possible without the ability to access remote r…
A few years ago, I had the privilege of working with a fantastic team - on a project that no one in their right mind would have wanted to touch. At one point, this product was ranked dead last in market share. Most people saw it as a legacy product …